Tuesday, October 19, 2010


 Mom was Mataya's first "visitor" as she was there for the labor and birth. You can't see it as well here, but M was checking her Grammy out in those first few moments. 

 Bailey was the only one of the triplets that would hold Mataya.

 She is continuing to grow on Ava and Carson.

 Andrew and Laura were naturals. I can't wait until they have babies!

 "Uncle" Adam wasn't feeling great so he took the proper precautions... and looked like a creep :)

 Lindsey and Deidre were pretty smitten from the get-go!

 Carrie was a natural!

After we had Mataya, we were very lucky to have some great visitors at the hospital. Because of Strep B, we had to stay an extra day. By that third day, it was our visitors that kept us sane! Our nurses were fantastic (for the most part), but it sure was nice to see some familiar faces :) So, a huge thanks to everyone who came to visit!

*I can't find a few of the other pictures- so please forgive me if you were there and not in this post! We know you were there :)