Monday, January 31, 2011

Mataya at 6 months

Now that Mataya is almost 7 months old, I feel like I should give you the 6 month update. I am not disciplined enough to do these every month- but 6 months is a pretty big milestone!

Measuring- We headed to the doctor for Mataya's 6 month appointment on January 17th, which is part of the reason this update is so late... Here are the official stats- 18 lbs. 10 oz. and 28 1/2 inches. Needless to say, we have a growing girl on our hands :) She is off the charts in height and in the 82% tile for weight.
Food-Mataya had her first "real" food on December 28th. We have yet to find anything she doesn't like, except macaroni and cheese, which was all about texture. She LOVES veggies of any sort and eats like a champ. We are getting used to the HUGE messes she makes when eating. She eats real food about once a day, sometimes twice.
Milestones- I am going to leave things out and be mad later about it! Mataya has always been a mover, even when she was in my tummy. This continues today. We are not far away from crawling, however, she rolls to get around. I can walk into the kitchen and all the sudden when I look back up, she'll be across the living room kicking the DVD's off the entertainment center. She does sit up, but doesn't love it. We have begun to childproof, knowing that soon she'll be into EVERYTHING. We are having lots of babbling and it sounds just like she is saying "Piper". I am just hoping for a "mama" sometime soon! Speaking of Mama- she loves her Mommy! While she is still a friendly girl, she definitely has a preference for her Momma and Daddy.
Teeth- Teething has brought out a whole other side to Mataya. She has been whiny and fussy, which was the opposite of my baby before teeth. Don't get me wrong, she is still one of the easiest babies I have ever met, just needier. We have one tooth broken through on the bottom right and can tell that a few others are close.
Sleep- Mataya continues to sleep like a champ. Her general schedule goes like this:
8:30-Wake up and lay in crib "talking" until Mommy or Daddy come in
9:00- Morning bottle and play time
10:30 or so- Naptime!
12:30- Up from nap, lunchtime: solid and bottle
1:00- Playtime etc.
3:30- Naptime
6:00- Bottle and more playtime
9:00- Small bottle and bedtime!
Remember this is a very loose schedule because we have a very easy going baby! She has needed some extra loving lately because of having a cold and the teething. I think she has cried more today then any other day in her life. Poor thing!
I hope she likes books at 6 years old as she does 6 months!