Saturday, March 5, 2011

Challenge: Day 1

Day 1: Introduce Yourself, Recent Photo, 15 Interesting Facts

Introduction: I assume that if you read my blog, you are already know me. However, if you are here by some random chance- welcome :) I'm Aubrey and I hope you enjoy reading my blog.

Recent Photo:
Not our best family photo but one of the most recent :)

 15 "Interesting" Facts:
  1. I have been told many times that I am intimidating. Frankly I do not see it!
  2. My entire house is decorated in the same color palette. Some might say OCD, I say simplicity :)
  3. I can talk college basketball with the best of them. I would love to be a side line reporter for ESPN!
  4. I am a very "simple" eater. I could eat the same 5 meals for months at a time and be completely satisfied with that.
  5. My heart beats for children, especially those who are uncared for and unloved. I hope that someday Gabe and I get to adopt a couple kiddos someday.
  6. Micromanagement is my biggest pet peeve. Cannot handle it!
  7. If I ever have enough money, the first big thing I would do is pay someone to come and do my hair and make-up everyday. 
  8. I follow alot several blogs of  people I have never met. This is weird to many people but I find it very interesting.
  9. I despise driving and didn't even get my license until I was well over 17. My boy bestie used to be SO mean to me about how I drive and so now if you are in the car with me, even if we are driving my car, I want you to drive. 
  10. I am terrified (this doesn't even describe it) of birds. From sparrows to hawks, I want NOTHING to do with them. When I was in my early teens my Dad had a cockatoo who was just mean. He used to dive bomb at our heads and would stalk us around the house. It gives me the heebie jeebies to even think about it.
  11. I will be mad if Mataya becomes a popular name. I love the originality and do not want her to be Mataya T. in her kindergarten class. I have no right to say whether or not you can name your child that though ;)
  12. I am becoming more and more like my Mom every single day. Even in the way I talk to Mataya. There are worse people I could model after though.
  13. I often feel guilty about the lack of pictures I have taken of Mataya since she was born. I don't want her to think we didn't have time to do those things for her. Mommy guilt, pure and simple.
  14. We aren't moving into our new house until June 1st, but I have already started packing. Might as well start while I have the time.
  15. The thing I am probably most excited about in having this new house is having our own mailbox! Ridiculous I know but I have had community mailboxes since I moved out of my parents house and it just feels grown up!