Alright, so I am finally back in the blogging world... I make no promises as to keeping up as there will be a new baby here in February. Yes, that's right, Baby Boy Thaman will be arriving sometime in late February!
God and I have been having lots of chats as of late, as I am beyond overwhelmed with the idea of having a busy, sassy, spirited toddler and a newborn. However, I am clearly hearing that there is a plan and that the anxiety I am feeling is from Satan himself. I also continue to hear the word "enough" in my quiet times. As first I thought, enough what? As I pondered the word, I realized pretty quickly that I need constant reminding that my God is enough. When I have nothing else to give as a wife, mom, friend, sister and daughter, He is enough. There is nothing he cannot handle.
The deeper I dig, the word takes on another meaning as well. When I was growing up, when my Mom was fed up with my sister and I squabbling, she would simply say "enough!" I think God might be saying the exact same thing. Enough complaining about what you don't have, enough comparing yourself to others, enough trying to be someone you are not, . We are so beyond blessed and definitely have enough, but I get caught up in what we don't have instead.
Enough- so many different meanings for me this year and yet so simple in the same moment.
Oooooh! So excited to have your blog back! And I love your word!
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