Saturday, November 21, 2009

The Night We Found Out

While this might be TMI for many of you- I know some of you will enjoy reading the story of the night we found out there was going to be a Baby Thaman sooner rather than later.
In September we decided it would be the last month of birth control for us. We agreed that if we aren't pregnant by December, we would go back on until we had moved to Mexico. Thanks to my iPhone, I knew when I was ovulating and we began trying in October. I had no idea if and when I would get pregnant because of health complications I had in the past. My family in general has never issues with infertility but somewhere inside of me, I had a major fear of this.
Again, thanks to my iPhone, I then also knew when my cycle should start. I simply couldn't wait that long! Thanks to "First Response" we actually tested about 4 days early. Now for the confusion in the picture in the previous post. I first tested with the test that shows 1 line if you are not pregnant and 2 if you are. When I had waited the right amount of time, I looked and "thought" I could see 2 lines, but the second was so faint that I just wasn't sure.  I had told Gabe I wouldn't look at it until we could look at the same time, but just couldn't resist! I ran out of the bathroom and showed it to Gabe.  We simply couldn't tell. We ran out to Wal-Mart (this is like 11:30pm) and got several more tests and got the positive response right away. We tried several different brands just to make sure! Needless to say, it will be all digital tests at the Thaman house from now on! The pink test does have 2 lines, it is just VERY faint!
So there you have it. Our journey into parenthood began this night and there's no looking back! We couldn't be more excited!