Thursday, December 31, 2009

Christmas 2009

It's amazing to me that Christmas has already come and gone. Being that it was Gabe and I's first official Christmas together, I am hoping we started some fun traditions. Well, traditions that may very well be put on hold next year, as we add another person to our family. I am all too aware that Christmas will be very different next year, but in a great way!
We spent Christmas Eve day together and started a fun tradition of having Chinese food for lunch at home. I talked Gabe into letting me open one gift before he left for work and I headed to my parent's house. LOVE my Illini phone cover from Gabe! He was pretty excited about his new movie too :)

I went to Christmas Eve service with my parents and Alexis and then headed back to their house for dinner and opening gifts with the kiddos. I love being with the kids while they are opening their gifts. They are all at such different developmental stages and react so differently. Gabe came after he got off work and enjoyed the pretzel salad especially!

On Christmas Day we headed to Naperville to spend the day with Gabe's Grandma Mary and aunts. It was a fun time for all and we came away with great gifts. I wasn't feeling well so we weren't there too long, but we stayed in a fantastic hotel with a king sized bed. I slept better than I have in weeks in that big bed!

So there you have it- Christmas 2009 in review :) Hope you had a fantastic holiday season!