Monday, March 22, 2010

"Oh, there's nothing half-way...

about the Iowa way to treat you, which we may not do at all." (Thank you Music Man for the reference!)

Two weekends ago, Mom and I headed to Iowa to see my cousin Kody play in the state basketball tournament. We anxiously awaited the score of the Wednesday night game to see if we were even going to make the trip. I am sure the other people in the Savoy Wal-Mart thought Mom and I were pretty crazy as I shouted out scores to her across the aisles! Kayci kept me updated via text and after an over-time scare- South East Polk won!

So on Friday morning, at 7am I might add, we headed to Des Moines. Luckily Kody played at 3:15 so we were able to make it in plenty of time! After quite the adventure in finding a place to park, we made it into the arena and found a seat.

Kody at the free throw line!

It was a pretty intense game against Linn-Mar, but in the end, South East Polk was victorious! I believe that Kody had 20 points this game and was the star! I have many funny stories to tell about this day, but for fear of certain people stumbling onto my blog, I am going to keep them to myself :) After the game, we got to go see my cousin Chad and his wife Jenna. They have one of the cutest little boys I have ever seen, Easton. We were good friends once he realized I had gum and could blow bubbles. He is SO cute!

On Saturday, Kody was going to play for the state title, but not until 8:15 that night. We headed over to Aunt Mary's to hang out. We didn't plan on staying the whole day, but we just had too much fun not to leave! Plus, I was trying to get in all the Jerzi Jo time that I possibly could :) Jerzi is one of the happiest baby's I have ever met. If Mataya is half as good as she is, I will be a happy Momma! I failed majorly and took no pictures of the little cutie. You'll just have to trust me, she is DARLING!

At around 4:00pm, we headed out to the arena. Remember the game started at 8:15... We were SERIOUS about getting a good seat :) Before out to the arena, we took some fun photos...

Even though Kody had already left for the shoot-around, he was with us in spirit!

Kristen, Aunt Mary and Kayci ready to cheer on the Rams!

Mom and I- with Kody creeping in the background :)


We got to the arena and enjoyed watching another game from our fantastic seats. Let me just tell you, people in Iowa are SERIOUS about high school basketball. Well, part of the reason is because of Harrison Barnes, the number one recruit in the country. He was playing on the team against Kody's. Everyone wanted to see him!

When Kody's game finally started, we were all a bundle of nerves. We knew the Rams were the underdogs but we still had hope! We didn't win this time, but we couldn't have prouder of Kody and how he played. Here are some of the pictures of the big game!

This is how the girls sat the entire game- what you can't see is the bouncing... They were pretty nervous!

Go #24!

After the game, which we lost, they announced the All-State Team. For a minute, we thought Kody wasn't going to make it and Kayci's face pretty much explains how we felt about that!

The good news is that Kody made the team, which he totally deserves! Needless to say, we were very proud! (That is Harrison with the "cape" around his neck. He is a bit of  a "diva" if you ask me.)

After the game, there was an "after party" at the high school to welcome to boys home and congratulate them on the 2nd place title. It was a great time!

Kody carried in the trophy- to much applause!

The team captains with the banner. 2nd place in the state is the highest they've ever gotten at South East Polk!

These girls are Kody's number one fans. They were SO cute and cheered louder then just about anyone else. 

Aunt Mary, Kody, Kristen, Kayci and Uncle Chuck

The cousins in attendance! (So, I'm a little short...)

 Mom and Kody- this picture is really just for Adam :)

What an amazing weekend- we had a GREAT time and were so glad that we went! (If you made it through this whole post, I am impressed!)