Thursday, October 21, 2010

College Friends Reunion

In July we were lucky enough to have all the girls I was closest to in college come to visit for the day. It is amazing to me that we went from 8 single girls to 21 people. Rachel wasn't able to join us and we definitely missed her! Since we had the youngest baby, all the families came to us- it was so wonderful and definitely appreciated. We started off at the Monicals to have lunch and then headed across the street to Hessel Park. SO much fun to catch up with everyone and just hang out!

 Do we have a love connection on our hands? Owen might have some competition! 

 Meet Logan- he is SO stinking cute! Mataya thought he was pretty great :)

 Marci and her oldest daughter Hannah. They were having a great time!

 Emma (Marci's youngest), Nolan (Melissa's youngest) and Logan (Steph's baby) all playing on the grass. Love Emma's ornery look!

All the kiddos! Cameron and Nolan (Melissa and Jake), Hannah and Emma (Marci and Lucas), Kylie and Logan (Steph and Jason) and Mataya... Could they be any cuter?

The original crew... Marci, Steph, me, Allison, Heidi, Mandy and Melissa. We've come a long ways ladies :)