Monday, October 18, 2010

Mataya's First Wedding

When Mataya was one week old, we attended our friend's Andrea and Brent's wedding. Perhaps a bit early to be around so many people, but in hindsight- I am SO glad we attended. Mataya was a popular girl and was passed around quite a bit. Before you judge me, I knew EVERYONE who held her and knew them well.

The wedding was in the Memorial Stadium "Colonnade Club". It was absolutely fantastic venue. This Illini family couldn't resist this photo op!

We were already so in love with our little girl. This is one of the first pictures as a family of three and I love it!

Alexis and Drew, along with my parents, also went to the wedding. I feel like I was looking pretty good for having a week old baby :) 

After the wedding, we headed to the Dairy Barn, a favorite ice cream spot. I had a craving and couldn't resist! This is Alexis' first picture with Mataya and she refused to hold her for the first 3 months!


RK said...

SO glad you're back! I've been wondering about you... I'll drop you an email...