Sunday, November 29, 2009

Our first "baby"

Those of you who live close by, already know Piper. But for those of you who don't- I would like to introduce our current "baby", Piper.

Gabe and I have been talking of getting a dog since we were dating, but when we were finding a place to live, it became a non-priority. Our apartment is considered "remodeled" and we were not allowed to have a pet because of the "new" carpeting. I was basically okay with this as I knew we would be getting 2 dogs when we moved to Mexico, mainly for my protection sake. We had already decided what breeds we wanted and I was content in this.
Everything changed late one night when I went to go pick up Gabe from work and there were 2 drunk men outside our door. Not only was I scared to go outside, nothing had warned me about the situation and I was completely caught off guard. Our friend Angie's dog, Bella, had been staying with us and I had gotten used to her warning or alerting me when someone was close by. Luckily, by the time I had to leave the apartment, the men were down the block, but I was still scared out of my wits. That night, I told Gabe what had happened and that if he was going to continue to work late nights, we were going to have to get a dog. This presented a problem since we were not allowed one. So, Gabe did what Gabe does best and coerced the management into letting us get a dog. There were several stipulations and then the hunt began. We looked everywhere! From craigslist to the Humane Society (which we already frequented) to several local rescues. We knew we wanted something "smallish" because our apartment isn't huge and it couldn't be a puppy. We did alot of research and searching. On a random trip to the Humane Society, we saw "Bella". She was a the cutest little brown dog! We asked up front if we could see her and take her out for a walk and they had no idea what we were talking about. She was so new to the shelter that they didn't even know she was up for adoption. As soon as we had her out of that cage, I was smitten. We had looked at another dog, but he was a shedder. We put an application in on "Bella" and the rest is history! On August 25, 2009, we brought the newly named Piper home.

She has been a challenge to say the least but I wouldn't trade her for the world. As I am typing, she is laying as close to me as she possibly can without sitting ON the computer.
Saturday was the first day she has gotten out and run away from me. I was trying to check the mail and didn't realize she could push the door open. Well, she can! I had no shoes on and knew that I had no hope in catching her. I ran upstairs, grabbed shoes and a coat and headed out to walk around the complex. I walked the entire complex, went in the office to tell the landlord to keep her eye out for her and headed back to our apartment. She had her collar on and I had no vehicle so I had ultimately done what I could. I turned around the corner to go back to our house and there she was! Sitting in front of our door, looking at me like "Where have you been, I've been waiting."
Piper makes me laugh and want to cuss many times in the exact same moment. I am sure there will be many more posts about this crazy pup who brings so much to our lives.