Friday, November 20, 2009

So there's a reason for starting this blog- not just something I wanted to do for 5+ years. This really is going to become a family blog. Yes, friends and family members, there is going to be a Thaman Family! Not just Gabe, Aubrey and Piper, but we're having a baby!

We know, we know- we have been married all of 5 months and may seem to be rushing into things. However, since we are planning on moving to Mexico in late summer, early fall 2010 we decided that it was now or much later. I simply wasn't interested in being pregnant during the moving and the stress that comes with it. Also, because of some previous health issues, I wanted our first baby to be born in the United States, where I will feel the most comfortable. I also, frankly, wanted my Mom to be there too!
So there you have it- it has been SO hard not to share our exciting news with everyone we know... We are officially 8 weeks along and looking forward to Baby Thaman making his/her entrance around July 1st. We have had two sonograms and saw and heard the baby's heartbeat just last week. Please, if you think about it, keep us in your prayers. Those of you have been there know just how scary it can be! We have one moderately major scare and so we are especially anxious about the next 7 months.
Coming Soon- "The Night We Found Out", "How People Have Reacted", and a name poll...


Anonymous said...

Doesnt the test say NOT pregnant??

Samantha said...


Mandy said...

yay!!! This is so exciting...a baby AND a blog!!! :)

Stephanie said...

Yay! Congrats Aubs-so happy for you! Being a mom is the best :) Glad we ran into you last night... Keeping you in our prayers...