Sunday, December 20, 2009

5 days?!

How can it really be 5 days before Christmas? I am trying to soak up every single moment as this may very well be our last "stateside" Christmas for awhile. At our house, everything is wrapped and ready to go on my end. We'll spend Christmas Eve with my family and then on Christmas day we will head to Naperville to spend the day with Gabe's aunts and grandma. I am really looking forward to seeing Marissa (hopefully) on the day after Christmas too.
Our house looks pretty cute with all the Christmas decorations up. My little tree fits perfectly in the living room.
Piper has left the train alone for the most part. My Dad's puppy, Sophie, has been another story. Isn't she SO cute though? How do you get mad at that sweet face?

It is crazy to me that next Christmas there will four stockings to hang up! Maybe even 5 if I get the other dog that we want :) We're going to run out of hooks!

Anyone recognize these 2 cute kids?