You knew my child was going to have an Illini wardrobe... This is just the start :) (Both are hand-me-down items)
Boy or girl- this child is ready for it's first birthday! (Girl onesie is a hand-me-down, Boy bib was $2.00 and the shirt was $3.00)
These are all hand-me-downs from my sister.
These are all outfits I have bought for under $3.00.
If we have a girl, she will come home in the brown and pink outfit.
Although Halloween isn't my favorite holiday, I couldn't resist these cute items. The bib was all of .29 and the onesie was .70.
These were each $1.00. How in the world could I resist?
The teacher in me wants to buy books ALL the time! I rationalized these because of how cheap they were. Hard to believe we'll be reading them to our 6 MONTH OLD next Christmas!
We bought these even before we knew we were pregnant. I see us getting many years of joy of these!
There you have it my friends. I am loving the bargains and hoping I can find many many more before this little one arrives!
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