Friday, February 5, 2010

Giraffes and Ducks

Everyone has a favorite animal... Well, at least at the Thaman house we do :) Gabe LOVES giraffes (he will tell you that he relates to them well). And despite my HATRED towards birds, I love ducks the best. My Dad has called me Aubrey Daubrey Duck since I was a tiny baby and given the fact that I was quite the Daddy's girl, it just kind of stuck. That being said, Baby Thaman is going to have MANY giraffe and duck items. Everywhere I look there is something I want to buy with a giraffe or duck on it. I decided to torture myself yesterday and check out what etsy had with giraffes and ducks... BIG mistake...
These make me wish I knew how to knit!
Either or both of these items are PERFECT for the babies room. Love them!

I would definitely be okay if the baby got attached to either of these toys :)
All of the products are available on just in case you were wondering!