Wednesday, February 3, 2010

I didn't get the memo...

So as the pregnancy progresses, I am figuring out some things that "somebody" forgot to tell me. Luckily, because of the internet and many library books later, I know that I am not alone in many of these things.
1. Night Sweats- nobody told me I would wake up DRIPPING with sweat even when our bedroom is FREEZING. I have always loved to be cold when I am sleeping, so this doesn't bode well with me.
2. Smells- I knew that I would have some smell aversions. The seafood section at Meijer is NOT my friend. However, nobody told me that smells that I normally enjoy would make me want to run the other direction. I cannot even go NEAR the fabric softener aisle in Target. Lucky for me, Gabe does our laundry!
3. Nesting- I thought nesting was something that happened when you are close to delivery... not so much for me. I have been wanting to "get stuff done" for the baby's arrival almost since the day I found out I was pregnant. 
4. Hormones- I was somewhat warned about this, however, didn't think it would happen to me! I can go from happy to mad in about 5 seconds for no reason. Stupid things that would have not bothered me before, drive me crazy now. I also cry at random. Why? Who knows? And it doesn't happen during tv shows or sad songs on the radio. It happens during every day normal conversations. 
5. Memory Loss- App. all the pregnant women who have been in my life "forgot" (haha) to mention this to me. Never in my life have I been so scatterbrained. Luckily, I haven't forgotten anything too important. However, if you want to tell me something important, you better tell me 3 or 4 times!

This picture is several years old- but Happy Birthday Grandma Jan!


RK said...

My goodness, all the pregnant people around you and you missed out on pregnant brain?!? I'm amazed! But yes, it's real and it's annoying. Forgetful, ditzy hit me hard both times. M calls it pregnant stupid, but he's mean that way.

And yep--sweating, hormones, and "dog nose" as we called it. It's like somehow the sensitivity of a trained sniffing dog found it's way to your nose. And yes, the worst is things that you used to actually like. We couldn't have any kind of beef for weeks...

Welcome to the fun! :o)

Holly said...

#s 3 & 5 are definitely happening with me too! Definitely doing lots of nesting and feeling like we still have such a LOOOONG way to go still, and absolutely scatterbrained. Ironically about the only place I can concentrate is at work (at least when we're busy).

By the way, we picked out our "over the crib" decor the other night... I can't wait to get it finished and hung so I can post pictures! And I ended up buying some Etsy wall vinyl dots today. :)

Anonymous said...

Hey Aubs,
Saw your blog and thought I would check it out. Funny hormonal story i thought you would enjoy. When I was pregnant with Preston Matt and I went to Panera, and I ordered chicken salad. When they told me they didn't have it I started crying at the register. I could not hold back the tears. Mentally I knew it wasn't a big deal but the hormones completely took over and I was beside myself! Crying over chicken salad! Matt didn't know what to do:) So you are not alone.

--love, lindsey clark