Thursday, February 18, 2010

The only constant is change...

It's so easy to go a week or 2 without blogging, considering all the other things that are going on our busy lives. I will try to update the best I can on all that is going on in the Thaman house. It could take a few minutes, so bear with me :)
Last Monday, we had a sonogram to check the baby's growth and development and to confirm the gender (more on this later). My Mom joined us and I am so glad she was able to share these special moments with us. The tech pointed out all the major organs and it was so sweet to watch the baby move all over the place. On Tuesday morning, the nurse from Carle called and told us that the baby has SUA or Single Umbilical Artery. You can read more about it here... I can't lie- it was/is very scary to me. I think anytime your child, who I am already so attached to, has any kind of "risk", it makes your heart skip a beat. They have told us not to worry about it, and on March 8th we go in for a 2 hour long sonogram to check on all the areas that the SUA could affect. That is a long time to have your belly pushed on! We had many of the screenings done before we knew about the SUA, so we aren't too concerned about other birth defects or abnormalities. After that we go in every 2 weeks to see the baby to make sure it is growing like normal. In some ways, it is a true blessing, because about every 2 weeks I get anxious and want to make sure Baby M is doing ok.
Also, while we were at the sonogram the tech confirmed the gender of Baby Thaman. After much coaxing, I finally convinced Gabe to tell what the baby was. Because of the SUA, I had a really hard time talking about "it". So- as most of you read this already know- we are...
Everyone is beyond excited and I am LOVING shopping for a "girlie-girl"! Bring on the bows! We got her bedding the other day and are still absolutely in love with it. Depending on where we live after this apartment, I can't wait to paint and decorate her room!
In other news, we leave for Mexico a week from tomorrow. While I am pretty excited about experiencing Mazatlan for the first time, I am also a bit anxious about our time there. There have been some "issues" come up that while not a huge deal, they could change the course of our lives. If you are the type, please be praying that we would clearly hear God's voice in where and what we are supposed to be doing. Hopefully, we'll have more answers after we get home. In the meantime, I am excited about seeing the Benefield's and am thrilled that Don Follis will be there at the same time! And I can't lie- I am ready to leave the snow for a few days! Bring on the sunshine!
Alright- I should sign off for now as I am sure you are all bored :) Hopefully this catches you up!


RK said...

Congratulations!!! Girls are the best in my unbiased opinion! :o)

Aubrey Thaman said...

Thanks! You just let me know if you have "hand-me-downs" you are looking to get rid of... We all know your kids are some of the best dressed in town!

Anne said...

Yay for knowing the gender! I know you'd be happy either way but it is so much fun that you shared with us so we can know too.

Jesus, please bring your plan to Gabe and Aubrey. I know they want to serve you so I pray that you would show them what that is to look like. Amen.