Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Day 11: Challenge

Day 11: Favorite TV Shows
I love trashy television. I can't help myself. It is just too entertaining. I also am a sucker for reality tv. Don't judge me! Here are a list of my current favorites! 

 I fought being a Gleek for a long time. Then I realized it was inevitable and I was going to love it. Now I don't miss an episode!

 I watched Teen Mom 1 and got hooked. I don't know what it is about this show, but it resembles a train wreck that you just can't stop watching. I will admit that I have cried twice during this show!

Like Teen Mom, I fully understand that this is some of the trashiest tv out there. I just can't resist!

 Biggest Loser continues to inspire me even after all these seasons. I love seeing the transformation in people's lives not only physically but emotionally. I don't miss it ever- even though my viewing buddies moved away.

If you know me at all, you knew this was going to come up. No explanation necessary!