Monday, February 11, 2013

37 + 3

37 weeks and 3 days ... pregnant that is. I have so many emotions about this whole process that its hard to be vocal about it. On one hand, I am done! This child needs to get out now! I am uncomfortable, sweaty, and occasionally miserable. Then I remember that this is probably it for me and being pregnant. One girl, one boy and we're done. I should be treasuring these last days as a Mom of one. I should be so grateful for how truly easy and unexciting this pregnancy has been. I wish I could live in the moment of it all - instead I am anxiously awaiting this little boy's arrival so I can figure out our new reality as a family of 4.
I promise I will get my book reviews done in the next few days, as well as give you the list of my February choices. Stick with me - I'm still here :)