Saturday, December 12, 2009


Today I am realizing I am thankful for all the other expecting Momma's in my life. They bring me joy beyond measure and I am so thankful I have them to text and call when I need to talk about silly pregnancy related things.

Emily- You are an inspiration. You remind me to NEVER take for granted this little one growing inside of me. Thank you for answering my ridiculous texts and reminding me that I am not alone in this at all.
Jen- Can you believe we are having babies just weeks apart? You are going to be an amazing Mom and I am so thankful that we are going through this together. I know you and I could talk for hours about these babies and never grow tired of it. Maybe our babies will room together at LCU just like we did!
Anne- You inspire me to be a better blogger. You are several weeks ahead of me and I love looking forward to the coming weeks because of you. I already have a baby gift for your little one :)
Holly- I am loving your laid back attitude. You remind me that worrying probably won't get me anywhere. Think of the Illini games our babies will be able to attend together!

Thank you ladies for being some of the best support I could ask for- even from far away sometimes!


Holly said...

Haha! The only thing I worry about is the day of delivery, but you already knew that. :)